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- 12/2024: Our review paper surveying quantum networking testbeds was published in Progress in Quantum Electronics. This is an all-NCSU collaboration with Drs. Jianqing Liu, Ruozhou Yu, Greg Byrd, and Dan Stancil.
- 12/2024: We had a great time bowling at North Hills.
- 10/2024: Dr. Farfurnik gives an invited talk at the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society Annual Meeting at UNC Charlotte.
- 09/2024: Dr. Farfurnik gives an invited talk at the Quantum Photonics Seminar at Polytechnique Montréal, Canada.
- 09/2024: Dr. Farfurnik gives a Tutorial Presentation and Chairs a Quantum Photonic Session at the IEEE Quantum Week Conference in Montreal, Canada.
- 08/2024: Dr. Farfurnik wins a Seed Grant of the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge for Robust Quantum Simulations, in collaboration with Dr. Dror Baron (NCSU ECE), Dr. Yi-Kai Liu and Kaixin Huang (UMD), and Dr. Norbert Linke (Duke). As part of the collaboration, the Spin-Photon Lab will experimentally realize random pulse sequences of compressed sensing for the efficient characterization of noise sources that limit the coherence of quantum systems.
- 08/2024: The first social event of the Spin-Photon Lab takes place at Lake Crabtree. We had much fun kayaking and making coffee in the wild.
- 08/2024: Michael presents a poster and an elevator pitch at the ECE/ASSIST Undergraduate Research Symposium on his work on an experimental setup for the characterization of photonic cavities.
- 08/2024: Dr. Farfurnik develops and starts teaching an advanced graduate course on Open Quantum Systems.
- 08/2024: Max H joins the Spin-Photon Lab as a Graduate Research Assistant of ECE. He will be developing novel quantum photonic devices based on optimized optically-active spins and photonic cavities.
- 07/2024: Our paper on narrowband spectral filters using rare-earth ions in thin-film lithium niobate in collaboration with Dr. Edo Waks (UMD) and Dr. Marko Lončar (Harvard) was published in npj Nanophotonics.
- 06/2024: Abhishek Das joins the Spin-Photon Lab as a Graduate Research Assistant of ECE. He will be working on the characterization of novel optically-active spin qubits, and their use for spin-photon interfaces.
- 05/2024: Dr. Farfurnik is invited to serve in two program review committees and is chosen to present a Tutorial at the upcoming IEEE Quantum Week conference in Montreal.
- 05/2024: Milena C, a rising senior at Cary Academy High School, visits the Spin-Photon Lab for a work experience on quantum computing.
- 04/2024: Under the guidance of Dr. Farfurnik, two teams of graduate students at the Neural Networks course of Dr. Edgar Lobaton (NCSU ECE) build an algorithm for the classification of photonic cavities based on optical microscope images, and present their work at the NCSU Machine Learning Symposium.
- 03/2024: Dr. Farfurnik gives a talk at the International Quantum Dot Conference (QD2024) in Munich, Germany.
- 03/2024: Dr. Farfurnik receives an an Adjunct Assistant Professor Affiliation with the Department of Physics at NCSU.
- 02/2024: Mehdi Ashrafganjoie joins the group as a Graduate Research Assistant of Physics. He will be working on the optical characterization and coherent control of novel hole spin qubits in strained Ge heterostuctures.
- 11/2023: Dr. Farfurnik gives a talk at the NCSU Quantum Workshop.
- 11/2023: Michael Ruhmel joins the Spin-Photon Lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant. He will be establishing building blocks for studying optically-active spins in photonic cavities for quantum applications.
- 10/2023: Dr. Farfurnik gives an invited talk at the Quantum Computing Association and SPIE Student Chapter in Georgia Tech.
- 10/2023: Dr. Farfurnik joins NCSU as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
- 09/2023: Dr. Farfurnik is a Co-PI on a recently awarded AFOSR grant proposal led by Dr. Daryoosh Vashaee (NCSU ECE) in collaboration with Dr. Jay Narayan (NCSU MSE) and Dr. Oussama Moutanabbir (Polytechnique Montreal). This collaboration is aimed at studying novel hole spin qubits in strained Ge heterostructures.