
  • K. Huang, D. Farfurnik, A. Seif, M. Hafezi, and Y-K. Liu. Random Pulse Sequences for Qubit Noise Spectroscopy. arXiv:2303.00909.
  • J. Liu, T. Le, T. Ji, R. Yu, D. Farfurnik, G. Bryd, and D. Stancil. The road to quantum internet: Progress in quantum network testbeds and major demonstrations. Prog. Quantum Electron. 99, 100551 (2025).
  • Y. Zhao, D. Renaud, D. Farfurnik, S. Dutta, N. Sinclair, M. Loncar, and E. Waks. Cavity-enhanced narrowband spectral filters using rare-earth ions doped in thin-film lithium niobate. npj Nanophotonics 1, 22 (2024).
  • S. Dutta, Y. Zhao, U. Saha, D. Farfurnik, E. A. Goldschmidt, and E. Waks. An Atomic Frequency Comb Memory in Rare-Earth Doped Thin-Film Lithium Niobate. ACS Photonics 10, 1104-1109 (2023)
  • D. Farfurnik, H. Singh, Z. Luo, A. S. Bracker, S. G. Carter, R. M. Pettit, and E. Waks.  All-Optical Noise Spectroscopy of a Solid-State Spin.  Nano Lett. 23, 1781-1786 (2023)
  • H. Singh*, D. Farfurnik*, Z. Luo, A. S. Bracker, S. G. Carter, and E. Waks. Optical Transparency Induced by a Largely Purcell-Enhanced Quantum Dot in a Polarization-Degenerate Cavity. Nano Lett. 22, 7959-7964 (2022).
  • D. Farfurnik, R. M. Pettit, Z. Luo, and E. Waks. Single-Shot Readout of a Solid-State Spin in a Decoherence-Free Subspace. Phys. Rev. Applied 15, L031002 (2021).
  • D. Farfurnik and N. Bar-Gill. Characterizing spin-bath parameters using conventional and time-asymmetric Hahn-echo sequences. Phys. Rev. B 101, 104306 (2020).
  • K. I. O. Ben `Attar*, D. Farfurnik*, and N. Bar-Gill. Hamiltonian Engineering of general two-body spin-1/2 interactions. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013061 (2020).
  • J. Dziewior, L. Knips, D. Farfurnik, K. Senkalla, N. Benshalom, J. Efroni, J. Meinecke, S. Bar-Ad, H. Weinfurter, and L. Vaidman. Universality of local interactions and its application for interferometric alignment. PNAS. 116, 2881-2890 (2019).
  • D. Farfurnik, Y. Horowicz, and N. Bar-Gill. Identifying and decoupling many-body interactions in spin ensembles in diamond. Phys. Rev. A 98, 033409 (2018).
  • N. Alfasi, S. Masis, R. Winik, D. Farfurnik, O. Shtempluck, N. Bar-Gill, and E. Buks. Exploring the nonlinear regime of light-matter interaction using electronic spins in diamond. Phys. Rev. A 97, 063808 (2018).
  • D. Farfurnik, A. Jarmola, D. Budker, and N. Bar-Gill. Spin ensemble-based AC magnetometry using concatenated dynamical decoupling at low temperatures. J. Opt. 20 024008 (2018), “Emerging Leaders” issue.
  • E. Farchi, Y. Ebert, D. Farfurnik, G. Haim, R. Shaar, and N. Bar-Gill. Quantitative Vectorial Magnetic Imaging of Multi-Domain Rock Forming Minerals Using Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond. SPIN 07, 1740015 (2017).
  • D. Farfurnik, N. Alfasi, S. Masis, Y. Kauffmann, E. Farchi, Y. Romach, Y. Hovav, E. Buks, and N. Bar-Gill. Enhanced concentrations of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond through TEM irradiation. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 123101 (2017). Press Release.
  • D. Farfurnik, N. Aharon, I. Cohen, Y. Hovav, A. Retzker, and N. Bar-Gill. Experimental realization of time-dependent phase-modulated continuous dynamical decoupling. Phys. Rev. A 96, 013850 (2017).
  • D. Farfurnik, A. Jarmola, L. M. Pham, Z. H. Wang, V. V. Dobrovitski, R. L. Walsworth, D. Budker, and N. Bar-Gill. Optimizing a dynamical decoupling protocol for solid state electronic spin ensembles in diamond. Phys. Rev. B 92, 060301 (R) (2015).
  • A. Danan, D. Farfurnik, S. Bar-Ad, and L. Vaidman. Response: Commentary: Asking photons where they have been – without telling them what to say. Front. Phys. 3, 48 (2015).
  • A. Danan, D. Farfurnik, S. Bar-Ad, and L. Vaidman. Asking Photons Where They Have Been. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 240402 (2013). PRL Recommendation & Physics Viewpoint.

*- Equal Contribution.