Many-Body Interaction Engineering
Solid state platforms can host ensembles of spins that naturally interact with each other. We use lasers, microwave fields, and dissipation from nanofabricated cavities to effectively transform these natural interactions into desired target interactions that can be used for simulation of interesting physical problems and enhanced quantum sensing.

Promising research directions:
- Effective generation of interacting spin ensembles for the simulation of condensed matter problems (e.g., Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard and Tavis-Cummings models).
- Effective generation highly entangled spin ensembles for quantum sensing.
Related publications:
- K. I. O. Ben `Attar*, D. Farfurnik*, and N. Bar-Gill. Hamiltonian Engineering of general two-body spin-1/2 interactions. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013061 (2020). *-Equal Contributors.
- D. Farfurnik, Y. Horowicz, and N. Bar-Gill. Identifying and decoupling many-body interactions in spin ensembles in diamond. Phys. Rev. A 98, 033409 (2018).