Useful Android Links and Procedures

Factory Data Reset

First method of resetting it is through the Settings interface:
Home -> Menu -> Settings -> SD card & phone storage -> Factory data reset

Second method:

  1. Power off your handset and then hold the Home key and the End key for about 20 seconds, or until you see a triangle with an exclamation point and a picture on the display.
  2. Now open up the QWERTY Keyboard and hit Alt+W and it will then be restored to factory settings.

Entering Ad Hoc Mode

Bypassing Registration for ADP1 first version

#bypass registration w/o sim card, need sqlite3 binary, is already on devphone
adb -d shell
sqlite3 /data/data/
"INSERT INTO system (name, value) VALUES ('device_provisioned', 1);"
adb -d shell
#connect to wifi (needs to be open, no passwords)
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
#if you need to enter a password in the browser, also enter:
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
connect to wifi (needs to be open, no passwords)
register w/ google

This worked w/ the 1.0 HTC image, not sure about yours.

More info here:
only accessible from NCSU domain (not wireless though), use SOCKS if elsewhere.