Sponsor: | NSF (grant NSF-0626850), Research in Motion |
Period: | Aug 2006 - Aug 2011 |
Student: | Chen Zhao |
Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and delay tolerant networks (DTNs) rely on intermediate nodes to forward each others' traffic, while the communication links may break very often and the routes are to be established dynamically. Thus their performance is highly sensitive to node mobility. Unfortunately, there are very few real deployments, especially large scale ones, of such network applications that are available for the research community. Therefore right now current research on MANETs and DTNs is heavily based on simulation, which in turn relies on accurate mobility models to predict performance results in real life situations.
Since MANETs or DTNs may be deployed in vastly diverse environments, e.g., military applications in the battlefield may face completely different mobility patterns from student communications in a campus, it is desirable for a mobility model to be capable of synthesizing highly diversified scenarios. Currently most mobility models fall in one of the two categories: Markovian based statistical models such as random walk, which is easy to diversify, but too simple to synthesize the various spatial-temporal dependencies and inter-nodal interactions observed in real human movements; or the many detailed models that are often constructed based very detailed real life observations to provide high realism but hard to diversify.
Aware of the drawbacks of both categories, in this project we propose a novel mobility model that achieves high realism while easily diversifies to various scenarios. Rather than identifying detailed behavior in specific scenarios, this model features a framework that extracts necessary information from a sample trace of a small population, and then synthesizes traces, usually for a larger population, such that it shows similar behaviors to the sample trace. In particular, since human movements are often socially correlated, this mobility model focuses on the group-forming behavior in real human movements, which to the best of our knowledge, none of the existing works is capable of doing so without prior knowledge of the underlying social structure of the target scenario.
In order to achieve a high degree of realism in the proposed mobility model, the influence of mobility parameters to the actual network performance should be well understood. Thus, we conducted a preliminary study on the statistical behavior of contact time (link duration) of random walk and random waypoint models. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding in the subtlety of the underlying dynamics between the model parameters (like flight length, speed and contact range) and the protocol-independent performance metrics like the contact time.
The focus of this study was on mathematical analysis of contact time distribution in random walk models, in the hope of bridging the gap between two existing approaches: the direct traversal model and the consecutive random walk model. We show that with uniform speed distributions under the direct traversal model the probability density function (PDF) of contact times has a power-law tail, while previous works show an exponential tail under the consecutive random walk model. We conclude that for general random walks with uniform speed distribution, the PDF of contact times has a tail that is actually between the two extremes: a power-law-sub-exponential dichotomy, which degenerates into the extremes as the flight lengths vary. This conclusion is also validated against RWP models.
Human activities are often socially organized, and people are often related to each other through complex inter-personal relationships. Such inter-personal relationships also affect human mobility so that on many occasions people tend to move in groups, rather than individually, e.g., students attending lectures, platoons moving on the battlefield, families walking around at the state fair, or rescue squads searching for victims.
We studied the group-forming tendency of human movements in mobile ad-hoc networks and surveyed the existing models that generate group movements. Aware of the shortcomings of existing models, we propose the N-Body Mobility Model inspired by N-body simulations. Rather than modeling the underlying social relationship, we simply try to capture the heterogeneity in inter-nodal distances by observing real movement trajectories and reproduce them in the synthesized traces. Inter-nodal attraction and repulsion forces based on modified Gay-Berne potential are implemented as to adjust the inter-nodal distances, and a closed loop framework is used to approach the best parameters. Compared to existing models, the N-body model has the advantage of not requiring any detailed knowledge of the underlying social interaction of the target scenario, therefore has wider scope of application. N-body model is validated against the target traces both from real life and synthesized. Simulation results show that our model is capable of capturing the heterogeneity as observed in the target traces.
In N-body model the group metric is presented in the form of an N by N numerical relationship matrix for an N node system. Thus in order to generate a trace for a particular scenario, we need to have a moblity trace of the target scenario containing the same number of nodes beforehand, which significantly limits the application scope of the model. To extend the application scope of the N-body model, we proposed a method to synthesize such relationship matrices for larger populations based on the matrix extracted from a small population. Such an improvement could significantly enhance the applicability of N-body model: in order to synthesize the mobility trace for a particular scenario, we can sample the movement information from a small number of individuals, and use N-body to generate the traces for a much larger population.
Since the relationship matrices are essentially weighted complete networks, and group-moving tendencies are shown as clusters in these networks, we developed an improved configuration model that generates weighted networks according to given clustering and weight information extracted from sample networks. Our network generation model utilizes distorted weight distribution to accomodate different group growth scenarios, and weight dependent cluster coefficient to quantify the level of clustering. Simulation results show this model is capable of synthesizing such weighted clustered networks under diversified scenarios.
[1] Chen Zhao and Mihail L. Sichitiu, "N-body: Social based mobility model for wireless ad hoc network research" , to be submitted.
[2] Chen Zhao and Mihail L. Sichitiu, "N-body: Social based mobility model for wireless ad hoc network research" in Proc. of IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications (SECON 10') , Boston, MA, June 2010.
[3] Chen Zhao and Mihail L. Sichitiu, "Contact time in random walk and random waypoint: dichotomy in tail distribution" in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks , Volume 9, Issue 2, pages 152-163, March 2011.
[4] Chen Zhao and Mihail L. Sichitiu, "Contact time in random walk and random waypoint: dichotomy in tail distribution" in Proc. of the First International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS 09') , Sept 23-25, 2009, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.