The flooding test


The objective of this test is to ascertain your suitability as a research student for the WALAN research lab.

The Problem

One of the main problems in ad hoc networks is the flooding of information. By flooding we understand the network-wide disemination of information from one node to all the other nodes (since not all nodes are in the range of each other, a simple broadcast is not sufficient). Many popular ad-hoc routing protcol (including AODV and DSR) rely on flooding for route discovery. Other types of information (e.g., node position, the existence and status of the neighbors for link state protocols, etc.) may also need to be diseminated through flooding.

The main problem with flooding is that it tends to be quite expensive in terms of bandwidth. Your goal is to reduce the expense associated with flooding.

Your Solution

Start by doing a literature review on existing methods on reducing the cost of flooding. Notice that many times, the flooding problem is called broadcast storm.

Once you are sure you understand the problem and existing solution, try to find a better solution. It doesn't have to be a super-general solution. You are allowed make simplifying assumptions (e.g., all nodes are fixed, all nodes have the same transmission ranges, or all links are bidirectional). However, make sure that you do not oversimplify (e.g., assuming that you have less than 10 nodes or that all nodes can hear each other is an oversimplification).

Finally, once you develop the better solution, you have to prove it that it is better than existing solutions (at the very least better than the brute force solution). You can use any technique (or combination) for this proof: analytical, C/Matlab program, network simulation, etc.


The organization of the final project report should resemble a research paper. There is no page limit, but I certainly value short reports that yet do not leave out important details.

I suggest that the report should have the following sections (you can adjust within reason according to taste):

  • Abstract - 150 - 400 words, self contained paragraph that summarizes the report. It should answer "What?" "Why?" and "How?" you did what you did.
  • Introduction Introduction to the problem of interest. What is the problem? Why is the problem important? What are possible applications? Very briefly what is your contribution.
  • Related work Present briefly (one paragraph/paper) what others did in the areas related to this problem. Make sure to emphasize for each paper how you solution is different from existing approaches. The more comprehensive, the better. Finish the section by re-emphasizing the difference between your contribution and existing approaches.
  • Problem formulation, or Model Explain your ad hoc network model you used. Make sure to list all assumptions (e.g., fixed transmission radius, wireless propagation model, etc.).
  • Proposed solution In this section describe your proposed solution. If it's a protocol, a finite state machine and packet format might help.
  • Evaluation or Simulation Results In this section present the evaluation of your proposed solution. Please do not dump an inordinate amount of data. It is an art to present the data in such a way to yield maximum insight into a phenomenon. Do not expect that the reader will read through three pages of data to notice an interesting phenomenon. Most of the time graphs are preferred to tables.

    You should also analyze the results from your evaluation/simulation. All features (absolute values, relative values, variations, irregularities, minimums, etc.) should be explained. You should be confident in the explanations, and have the data to back-up your confidence. "Maybe", "probably" and "perhaps" should not exist in this section.

  • Conclusion Summarize the problem, solution and your findings, pointing to anything out of the ordinary.
  • Appendices Include here anything that is not essential to the flow of your report (e.g. theorem proofs, supplementary data, implementation considerations, etc.)
    Last modified: Fri Aug 13 13:16:54 EDT 2004