We’re the lunatic fringe of robotics.
The Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (CRIM) was established in 1992 with the mission of fostering increased interaction in the interdiscplinary technologies of advance robotics and intelligent machines research. The CRIM focuses its research themes to meet its mission within the State as well as nationally and internationally. This is being achieved through various programs of evolution, integration, and collaboration. The changing face of the State’s hi-tech industries motivates the CRIM to broaden its research base to include biotechnology and information technology themes, since these industries are expanding quickly within the State and the nation.

CRIM People
Students from all walks of life - different creeds, different nationalities, and different academic majors - are a part of CRIM people.
CRIM Research
From wearable computer systems to mobile robot formation control to self-repairing, mote-based wireless networks, it’ll be found in CRIM research.
CRIM Papers
Home to numerous Master and Doctoral students, the Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines has a large library of publically-accessible theses and disertations on the projects they have conducted.
If you’re curious about what students in the CRIM are required to do over the course of their student career, you can get an idea from the CRIM papers.