
Our current research interests include:

  • Micro- and nano-scale lasers
  • Novel light sources
  • Spintronic THz sources
  • Topology in Hyperbolic and non-Hermitian Metamaterials
  • Photonic Neuromorphic Computing
  • Quantum photonics
  • Chip-scale neutral atom cooling and trapping

Selected publications:

A. Gharajeh, K. Goudarzi, Q. GuSingle-Defect Mode Lasing in a Non-Hermitian 1D Trivial SSH Lattice“, ACS Photonics, 12, 2, 576–580 (2025)

W. Wang, J. Kokinda, J. Li, Q. Gu, D. Liu, J. Wen “Dual opposing quadrature-PT symmetry“, iScience, 28, 1, 111655 (2025)

S. Behroozinia and Q.GuLeveraging multiplexed metasurfaces for multi-task learning with all-optical diffractive processors“, Nanophotonics, 13, 24, 4505-4517 (2024)

X. Li, J. Li, J. Moon, R, Wilmington, K. Gundogdu, Q. Gu “Experimental Observation of Purcell-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission in a Single-Mode Plasmonic Nanocavity,” ACS Photonics 11, 8, 3375–3380 (2024)

Z. Li and Q. Gu “Topological hyperbolic metamaterials,” Nanophotonics 0, 1–15 (2024)

Z. Li, X.W. Luo, D. Lin, A. Gharajeh, J. Moon, J. Hou, C. Zhang, Q. Gu “Topological Microlaser with A non-Hermitian Topological Bulk,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 023202 (2023)

Book: Q. Gu and Y. Fainman, “Semiconductor Nanolasers”, Cambridge University Press (2017) (Official pageGoogle BooksAmazon).
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