Mobile, pervasive, and autonomous communication technologies (MPACT) Lab is located at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of North Carolina State University. As its name suggests, our lab conducts research in three broad areas of communication technologies.

  • Mobile: 4G LTE and 5G wireless networks, mmWave communications, wireless localization, interference/mobility management, propagation measurements/modeling, public safety communications.
  • Pervasive: Heterogeneous and small cell networks, network densification, Internet of things (IoT), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications, visible light communications, UWB/mmWave radars.
  • Autonomous: Cognitive radio, spectrum sharing, UAV autonomous deployment/navigation, occupancy monitoring, smart cities, cyber-physical systems.
We use fundamental tools from communication theory, detection and estimation, optimization, machine learning, and statistics in addressing research challenges in these three broad areas. We utilize software defined radios, UWB/mmWave/WiFi radios, and UAVs, to develop experimental and proof-of-concept platforms for our research.


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