David W. Griffith from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), presented a seminar at FIU on the topic “Some Results on Resiliency and Device-to-Device Communications for Wireless Public Safety Networks” on Friday, April 16, 2015.
The Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL) is the newest lab at NIST and was created in 2014 to support work on public safety communications, spectrum monitoring and sharing, and the development of advanced communications technologies. This talk will describe CTL, its mission, and its activities, and will review some recent research results in the public safety arena. These results include the development of techniques for efficiently characterizing the resiliency of a cellular network deployment, and an analysis of the effects of interference on cellular users from groups of out-of-coverage Device-to-Device (D2D) users. The speaker will also describe research opportunities at NIST (including at CTL) via NIST’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program, and Graduate Student Measurement Science and Engineering (GMSE) Fellowship program.