Research Funding
Active Projects:
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), Rudra Dutta (Co-PI), Mihail Sichitiu (Co-PI), Brian Floyd (Co-PI), Thomas Zajkowski (Co-PI), “PAWR Platform AERPAW: Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless”, NSF CNS-1939334, $7.8M, 9/1/2019 – 8/31/2024. [Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “NeTS: Small: Collaborative Research: NSF-NSERC: 3D HARMONY: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Harmonious Wireless Coexistence for 3D Networks”, NSF CNS-2332834, $300K, 06/01/2024 – 05/31/2027. [Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), Mihail Sichitiu (Co-PI), “NeTS: Small: Collaborative Research: NSF-NSERC: 3D HARMONY: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Harmonious Wireless Coexistence for 3D Networks”, NSF CNS-2332834, $300K, 06/01/2024 – 05/31/2027. [Project Website]
Past Projects:
- I. Guvenc (PI), “Propagation Measurements and Modeling with Transparent Reflectors at Sub-6 (3.6-6 GHz) and mmWave (28 GHz) in Indoor Environments”, NSF BWAC I/UCRC Core Project, $100K, 10/2021 – 9/2022.
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), Jacob Adams (Co-PI), Alexandra Duel-Hallen (Co-PI), Brian Floyd (Co-PI), Mihail Sichitiu (Co-PI), “Phase II IUCRC North Carolina State University: Broadband Wireless Access and Applications Center (BWAC)”, NSF CNS-1916766, $400,000, 9/10/2019 – 9/9/2023. [Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc (PI) and Yavuz Yapici (Co-PI), “CNS Core: Small: Collaborative: Towards Surge-Resilient Hybrid RF/VLC Networks”, NSF CNS-1910153, $248,814, 11/1/2019 – 10/31/2022. [Project Website]
- M. Sichitiu, I. Guvenc (Co-PI), and B. Floyd, “Multi-Modal Communications for Reliable UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) and UGV (Unmanned ground vehicle) Connectivity”, NSF BWAC I/UCRC Core Project, $50K, 10/2021 – 9/2022.
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “NeTS: Small: Collaborative Research: Improving Spectrum Efficiency for Hyper-Dense IoT Networks”, NSF CNS-1814727, $195K, 10/1/2018 – 9/30/2021. [Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “Hyper-spectral communications, networking and ATM as foundation for safe and efficient future flight: transcending aviation operational limitations with diverse and secure multi-band, multi-mode, and mmWave wireless links”, NASA Federal Award NNX17AJ94A (Subaward from University of South Carolina), $1.33M, 07/2017 – 09/2021.
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “Investigations on Current and Future 3GPP Channel Models And The Evaluation Of Various Existing MIMO Techniques With These Channel Models”, DOCOMO Innovations, Inc., $360K, 08/15/2016 – 06/30/2021.
- Ismail Guvenc and Huaiyu Dai (Co-PIs), “An Innovative Secure millimeter wave (mmWave) Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication Network for Operating Drones”, Idaho National Labs, $660,000, 12/18/2018 – 9/30-2021. [Project Website]
- I. Guvenc (PI), “5G/6G Network Planning Using Lidar-Generated 3D Models of Indoor/Outdoor Spaces and Ray Tracing”, $50K,1/25/2021 – 3/30/2021.
- I. Guvenc (PI), “Indoor Ray Tracing and Base Station Placement Optimization for mmWave Systems”, NSF BWAC I/UCRC Core Project, $100K, 10/2019 – 9/2021. [Project Website]
- I. Guvenc (PI), M. Sichitiu (Co-PI), “Study on the High-Reliability and Low-Latency Communication Algorithm for Wireless Identification of Low-Altitude Small Drones”, Electronics and Technology Research Institute (ETRI), $80K, 5/2020 – 11/2020. [Internal Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “Collaborative: NeTS: Small: Towards Millimeter Wave Communications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, NSF CNS-1618692, 10/01/2016 – 09/30/2020, $119,952. [Project Website]
- I. Guvenc (PI), “Accurate Modeling of Indoor Environments Using a LiDAR for Efficient mmWave Network Planning and Understanding mmWave Propagation Channel Characteristics”, DOCOMO Innovations Inc., $50K, 02/2020 – 07/2020.
- Mihail Sichitiu (PI) and Ismail Guvenc (Co-PI), “EAGER: SC2: A Simple, Robust, and Flexible Framework for Collaborative Spectrum Sharing”, NSF CNS-1738093, 4/1/2017 – 3/31/2018, $100,000.
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “CAREER: Towards Broadband and UAV-Assisted Heterogeneous Networks for Public Safety Communications”, NSF CNS-1708352, 04/01/2015 – 03/31/2020, $468,723. [Project Website]
- Arif Sarwat, Ismail Guvenc (Co-PI), “Towards Resilient Smart Cities”, NSF ACI-1541108, 01/01/2016 – 12/31/2019, $500,000.
- Arif Sarwat, Ismail Guvenc (Co-PI), Kemal Akkaya, “CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Towards Secure Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: A Theoretic Framework with Bounded Rationality”, NSF CNS-1446570, 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2017, $316,000. [Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), Arindam Chowdhury, “EARS: Collaborative Research: Pervasive Spectrum Sharing for Public Safety Communications”, NSF AST-1443999, 09/15/2014 – 08/31/2017, $208,538. [Project Website]
- Nezih Pala, Ismail Guvenc (Co-PI), “NeTS:SMALL: Collaborative Research: Multi-Element Illuminication for Mobile Free-Space-Optical Networks”, NSF CNS-1422062, 08/15/2014 – 07/31/2017, $266,000. [Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “Compressive Sensing for Improving Accuracy of Fingerprint based Indoor Localization”, FIU Research Foundation, 08/15/2014 – 12/15/2015, $100,000.
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “Toward Next Generation Public Safety Communication”, Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, 06/01/2014 – 05/31/2015, $5,000 (additional $5,000 match from FIU College of Engineering).
- Ismail Guvenc (PI), “NeTS: JUNO: Towards Energy-Efficient Hyper-Dense Wireless Networks with Trillions of Devices”, NSF CNS-1406968, 04/01/2014 – 03/31/2017, $166,000. [Project Website]
- Ismail Guvenc, “MPACT Research Group Membership Contribution”, DOCOMO Innovations, Inc., Aug. 2012 – Dec. 2015, $20,000.
- Yimin Zhu, Shu-Ching Chen, Thomas Spiegelhalt, Nezih Pala, Ismail Guvenc (Co-PI), “On Track to Carbon Neutral Buildings”, EPA P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity, and the Planet, Aug. 2013-Aug. 2014, $15,000.