Open Positions

Prospective Research Students:

I am always looking for motivated students with strong background in circuits and electromagnetics. My research group explores techniques to design and develop approaches for high-speed secure communication systems, novel computational imaging and remote sensing that exploit electromagnetic-circuit co-design principles. 

PhD and Masters Students: Currently there are openings in my research group.

If you are interested in pursuing a PhD or MS (thesis) focusing on different aspects of system design including multi-functional systems for communications and imaging, our group will be a good fit. Students with background in integrated circuits, electromagnetics and/or signal processing along with strong analytical and/or experimental skills are encouraged to contact me with your detailed CV and transcripts. Email me at  

Fall admission deadline of NC State graduate program is typically in early December. If you are interested please reach out to me earlier.

Master students interested in pursuing independent study in some of the related RF topics can also contact me.

Undergraduate students interested in pursing Senior Design projects that involve RF related projects are encouraged to contact me.

Postdoctoral Researchers:

There are potential opportunities in my group with funding and/or if you have your own funding/fellowships to work on specific projects that relates to my group interests, please contact me with your detailed CV (including 2 references), top 3 selected publications, and research statement. Contact me at