A Short Introduction to Android Programming

Essential Links

Short Presentations

Following is a list of presentations that gradually introduce the basic concepts in Android programming. The presentations are meant to be taught as a short course, although they may help a self-studying student as well.

The sequence of tutorials first builds toward an understanding of the basic concepts in Android programming (via HelloWorld and HelloViews), then follows up toward managing multiple activities and network programming, first in Java, then adaptation to Android, by building inter-operating server/client pairs (e.g., the Android client can connect to another Android Server or to a desktop server). Finally, the last presentation suggests that the students will build a simple chat program that uses broadcast UDP to exchange strings among the participants. All tutorials can be completed in about 20-25 hours starting from basic Java programming especially if help is available.

All presentations can be used for non-commercial purposes. For any other uses, please ask for permission.

Sample Code

Common Problems

Following is a list of common problems encountered when going through the tutorials above:

Other Resources

  • A quick Android HowTo from Aman Nijhawan (pdf) (doc) (some of the information is dated)
  • More Android HowTo
  • Short threading tutorial and another one