Our recent paper was highlighted by NC State as well as several other websites, including the EE Times!
The paper, Computing and Visualizing the Input Parameters of Arbitrary Planar Antennas Via Eigenfunctions, will be published in the July 2016 issue of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
In the paper, we describe a fast method for calculating the input impedance of a probe-fed planar antenna. Because the method is faster than conventional simulations, we can test the input impedance at many points to create impedance “heat maps” such as the one shown in the image. This provides a useful tool for antenna engineers to quickly evaluate where to place the feed probe.
In the same issue, we also have a related paper entitled, Systematic Shape Optimization of Symmetric MIMO Antennas Using Characteristic Modes which provides a framework for relating the behavior of the decoupled port modes of a multiport antenna to its underlying characteristic modes.