Dr. Bhattacharya’s research focuses on Power Electronics and Power Systems including Electric Vehicle Systems, and Electronic Energy Systems Packaging. In 2018, he was named the Duke Energy Distinguished Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Bhattacharya mentored 23 Ph.D. thesis as a chair and 3 Ph.D. thesis as a co-chair. Also, he is currently mentoring 25 Ph.D. students and thesis as a chair. In addition the Ph.D. dissertations, he mentored 34 M.Sc. thesis as a chair and 6 as a co-chair.

Paper Title |
A Fault-Tolerant Control of MMC-based HVDC Applications Under Submodule Faults |
Control of Circulating Current to Minimize the Rating of the Energy Storage Device in Modular Multilevel Converters |
Voltage Balancing of Series Connected Clamping Diodes in Medium Voltage NPC Converter enabled by Gen-3 10 kV SiC MOSFETs for Asynchronous Micro-Grid Power Conditioning System |
A modular Auxiliary power supply for Medium Voltage level converter |
Effect of Inverter Output dv/dt with Respect to Gate Resistance and Loss Comparison with dv/dt Filters for SiC MOSFET based High Speed Machine Drive Applications |
An Active Voltage Stabilizer for a Generic DC Microgrid |
A Partial Power Interface for Battery Energy Storage Integration with a DC Microgrid |
Adaptive Control of a Hybrid Energy Storage System for Wave Energy Conversion Application |
Implementation of Flexible Large Power Transformers Using Modular Solid State Transformer Topologies Enabled by SiC Devices |
A Novel DC Circuit Breaker with Artificial Zero Current Interruption |
50kW Nano-Crystalline Core Based Three Port Transformer for Triple Active Bridge Converter |
Medium Voltage DC Bus Enabled by Series Connection of SiC Mosfet Based Three Port DC-DC Converters |
Efficient Power Transfer to Data Center Racks using Medium Voltage Inductive Coupling |
Shielding of Leakage Flux Induced Losses in High Power, Medium Frequency Transformers |
Accurate Characterization and Emulation of Active Bridge Magnetic Efficiencies with Novel Excitation Circuit |
Hardware-In-The-Loop Implementation of a Grid Connected PV System |
A Novel Current Control Strategy Based on Harmonic Voltage Injection for Power Losses Reduction of PMSMs with Non-Sinusoidal Back-EMF |

This tutorial outlined the applications of High power and Medium Voltage power converters in all industry sectors – HVDC, FACTS and power quality, MV motor drives (including high-speed machines with high fundamental frequency), MV DC grids, MV grid-connected converters for renewables such as solar, wind, etc., MV converters for mining applications, MV converters for traction applications, MV converters for industrial applications such as steel mills, cement, and others; with present OEM solutions. The improvements required in efficiency, power density, specific power, and volumetric density metrics are forcing the industry to re-evaluate the present state of the art Silicon power devices based solutions in terms of the potential offered by recently developed HV SiC power devices for HV and high power (MW class) power converters. The opportunities for HV SiC devices for MV and high power converters and utility applications and the challenges to applying these HV SiC devices successfully will be presented in-depth with SiC device voltage ranges from 1200V to 1700V MOSFETs, and HV 10 kV – 15 kV MOSFETs, JBS diodes, and 15 kV SiC IGBTs. The potential and challenges of the HV 10-15 kV devices to enable MV power conversion systems, including MV motor drives, FACTS, and MVDC grids will be explored with demonstrated application examples of SST (Solid State Transformer), MV SiC power converters for grid-tied solar applications, MV motor drives, shipboard power supply applications, and MV DC grids. The roadmap of HV SiC power devices in terms of cost targets, module packaging, reliability qualification, and standards compliance of HV SiC devices will be addressed.

Spotlight Q&A with Dr. Bhattacharya

Dr. Bhattacharya’s Power America Technical Webinar