Suyash Sushilkumar Shah

Suyash Sushilkumar Shah was born in Sirohi, India in 1988. He received his Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering and Master’s degree in Power Electronics from Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, India in 2011. He was awarded the University Gold Medal and the Govt. of India’s annual UGC Fellowship for outstanding academic performance. He has worked as a Scientist in ABB GISL, India and Research Engineer in ABB AB, Sweden for 4 years after his Master’s degree. In 2015, he enrolled in the Ph.D program at North Carolina State University from where he graduated in February 2020.
He is currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the University on projects related to power conversion systems for EV, data-center and renewable energy applications. Through an active publication record, he has demonstrated innovative techniques in analytical modeling of power converters and their applications in multi-converter systems. He is proficient in developing novel and advanced control algorithms for such systems, as well as in optimal design, and hardware prototyping of SiC/GaN based converters. His current research interests are in design, modeling, control and stability of power electronic systems, especially in applications related to transportation electrification and automotive power conversion.