
PIs and Co-PIs

  • Jacob J. Adams, Associate Professor
  • Dr. Adams leads Antenna and Electromagnetics Lab. He develops antennas for a variety of applications, including mobile communications, wireless sensing, and defense systems. He is also interested in novel materials and fabrication methods for multifunctional, conformal, and flexible microwave devices. In addition, Dr. Adams studies the application of eigendecomposition techniques to improve antenna modeling and design.
  • Email:
  • Google Scholar: Jacob J. Adams

  • Alexandra Duel-Hallen, Professor
  • Dr. Duel-Hallen’s current research interests are in Wireless Communications and Smart Grid. Her recent and current projects focus on game theory and machine learning for communications and power systems and wireless channel characterization and prediction.
  • Email:
  • Google Scholar: Alexandra Duel-Hallen

  • Brian Floyd, Professor
  • Dr. Floyd leads iNtegrated Circuits and Systems (iNCS2) Lab at NC State. His research interests include RF and millimeter-wave circuits and systems for wireless communications, imaging, and radar applications. Specific research topics include multi-Gb/s wireless transceivers, mmWave passive and active imagers, silicon phased-array transceivers, 3-D RF, digitally assisted/digitally-replaced RF systems, and manufacturable antenna-in-package approaches.
  • Email:
  • Google Scholar: Brian Floyd

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