Soms Roy headshot

Somshubhra Roy

Somshubhra Roy is an M.S. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at NC State University. A native of India, he earned his Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the West Bengal University of Technology. Before coming to NCSU, Somshubhra served as a Machine Learning Engineer for the Government of India, where he spearheaded the creation of novel Computer Vision solutions for facial recognition and rapid medical diagnosis. Subsequently, he worked as a Deep
Learning Intern at a California-based startup, focusing on the development of a Continual Learning pipeline for video surveillance on Edge devices. Somshubhra joined EnBiSys Lab as a Graduate Research Assistant in July 2023. Currently, Somshubhra's research interests focus on utilizing data analytics to discern trends and patterns in agricultural data, crafting and implementing feature engineering methods, and developing decision-support dashboard tools for North Carolina soybean farmers using supervised learning to streamline cultivation practices and provide data-driven insights as part of the Soybean Extension program in collaboration with N.C. Plant Science Initiative and NC State Data Science Academy.