Fourier transform channeled spectropolarimetry in the MWIR

Abstract: A complete Fourier Transform Spectropolarimeter in the MWIR is demonstrated. The channeled spectral technique, originally developed by K. Oka, is implemented with the use of two Yttrium Vanadate (YVO4) crystal retarders. A basic mathematical model for the system is presented, showing that all the Stokes parameters are directly present in the interferogram. Theoretical results are compared with real data from the system, an improved model is provided to simulate the effects of absorption within the crystal, and a modified calibration technique is introduced to account for this absorption. Lastly, effects due to interferometer instabilities on the reconstructions, including nonuniform sampling and interferogram translations, are investigated and techniques are employed to mitigate them.

M. W. Kudenov, N. A. Hagen, E. L. Dereniak, and G. R. Gerhart, “Fourier transform channeled spectropolarimetry in the MWIR,” Opt. Express 15, 12792–12805 (2007).