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Dual-beam potassium Voigt filter for atomic line imaging

Abstract: Spectrally narrowband imaging in remote sensing applications can be advantageous for detecting atomic emission features. This is especially useful in detecting specific constituents within...

Thermal stabilization of a fiber-based channeled spectropolarimetry

Abstract: Channeled spectropolarimetry (CSP) is a spectral modulation technique that furnishes snapshot polarimetric measurements. Among the different spectropolarimetric methods, fiber-based techniques are fundamental requirements in...

Microbolometer with a multi-aperture polymer thin-film array

Abstract: Infrared imaging spectrometers are frequently used for detecting chemicals at standoff distances. Cost, size, and sensitivity are common tradeoffs in this regime, particularly when...

Snapshot hyperspectral imaging Fourier transform spectropolarimeter

Abstract: The design and experimental results of a snapshot spatially heterodyned imaging Fourier transform (SHIFT) spectropolarimeter are presented. The sensor utilizes common-path interferometry, which lends improved...

Fraunhofer line optical correlator for orbit determination

Abstract: The design of a Fraunhofer line optical correlator is detailed. The instrument described herein correlates a reflected solar spectrum against multiple Fraunhofer absorption lines to estimate...

Controlling Light with Geometric-Phase Holograms

Improved fabrication techniques are creating a new generation of gratings, lenses, and other elements that are physically thin and optically thick.

Spatially Heterodyned Snapshot Imaging Spectrometer

Snapshot hyperspectral imaging Fourier transform (SHIFT) spectrometers are a promising technology in optical detection and target identification. For any imaging spectrometer, spatial, spectral, and temporal...

Imaging of in vitro parenteral drug precipitation

Solid particulate matter introduced into the bloodstream as a result of parenteral drug administration can produce serious pathological conditions. Particulate matter that cannot be eliminated...

Passive Standoff Imaging using Spatial-Spectral Multiplexing

The concept of a passive far-field imaging system, using a unique spatial-spectral multiplexing (SSM) technique, is presented. The described SSM technique uses spectrally resolved interferometry to...

Snapshot retinal imaging Mueller matrix polarimeter

Abstract: Early diagnosis of glaucoma, which is a leading cause for visual impairment, is critical for successful treatment. It has been shown that Imaging polarimetry...

Ultraspectral Imaging and the Snapshot Advantage

Ultraspectral sensing has been investigated as a way to resolve terrestrial chemical fluorescence within solar Fraunhofer lines. Referred to as Fraunhofer Line Discriminators (FLDs), these sensors...

Phase error in FTSs employing polarization interferometers

Phase error is common in reflective interferometers, such as the Michelson. This yields highly asymmetric interferograms that complicate the post-processing of single-sided interference data. Common...

Snapshot Imaging Fraunhofer Line Discriminator

Abstract- Reflectance measurements have been a long standing means of quantifying chlorophyll, and other chemical contents, within vegetation. Conventional metrics that are common include normalized...

Review of snapshot spectral imaging technologies

Abstract: Within the field of spectral imaging, the vast majority of instruments used are scanning devices. Recently, several snapshot spectral imaging systems have become commercially available,...

Spatial heterodyne interferometry with polarization gratings

Abstract: The implementation of a polarization-based spatial heterodyne interferometer (SHI) is described. While a conventional SHI uses a Michelson interferometer and diffraction gratings, our SHI exploits...

Compact real-time birefringent imaging spectrometer

Abstract: The design and experimental demonstration of a snapshot hyperspectral imaging Fourier transform (SHIFT) spectrometer is presented. The sensor, which is based on a multiple-image...

Practical spectral photography

Abstract: We introduce a low-cost and compact spectral imaging camera design based on unmodified consumer cameras and a custom camera objective. The device can be used...

False signature reduction in channeled spectropolarimetry

Abstract. Channeled spectropolarimetry measures the complete polarization state of light, using a single spectrum, by amplitude modulating the Stokes parameters onto spectral carrier frequencies. However,...

Microbolometer-infrared imaging Stokes polarimeter

Abstract. A long-wave infrared division of amplitude imaging Stokes polarimeter is presented. For the first time, to our knowledge, application of microbolometer focal plane array...

Compact and miniature snapshot imaging polarimeter

We present and demonstrate a compact and miniature snapshot imaging polarimeter camera; it is anticipated that such a camera can be scaled down to less...