
OSL has the following optical measurement and testing facilities and equipment:

Optical Testing & Assembly:

  1. 15 mW Helium Neon laser (633 nm).
  2. Temperature & current laser diode controller & TEC mounts.
  3. 532, 650, 450, and 407 nm laser diodes.
  4. 1000 mW 1064 nm TEC stabilized diode laser.
  5. Fluorescent polymer and non-fluorescent silica microspheres.
  6. Nikon imaging lenses (several 50 mm F/1.2, 85 mm F/1.4, etc.).
  7. Crystal, wire grid, and polymer dichroic linear polarizers.
  8. Infrared crystal retarders and wire-grid polarizers (2” aperture)
  9. Infrared lenses (3-5 microns) and prisms.
  10. Achromatic quarter and half-wave plates as well as single wavelength polymer films.
  11. 2 x Optical tables (~8×4 feet).
  12. Ocean Optics HR4000 Spectrometer.
  13. OBB Ellipsoidal Xenon Arc Lamp and Power Supply.
  14. Tungsten Halogen Light Sources.
  15. NIST traceable spectralon reflectance standards.
  16. Calibrated optical radiometer with 25 mm integrating sphere.

Spectral Measurement:

  1. Horiba Micro-HR motorized Monochromator
  2. DLP-based Arbitrary Spectrum Generator.
  3. Fourier transform Infrared Spectrometer (MIR 8025 by Oriel, 0.7-28 microns)
  4. Gen 4 Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging Fourier Transform (SHIFT) Spectrometer.
  5. Pushbroom Hyperspectral Imaging Camera and Mast.