The article “Activity-Aware Wearable System for Power-Efficient Prediction of Physiological Responses,” authored by N. Starliper, F. Mohammadzadeh, T. Songkakul, M. Hernandez, A. Bozkurt and E. Lobaton has been published in the Sensors Journal, 2019.
The article “Automated Species-Level Identification of Planktic Foraminifera using Convolutional Neural Networks with Comparison to Human Performance,” authored by R. Mitra, T.M. Marchitto, Q. Ge, B. Zhong, B. Kanakiya, M.S. Cook, J.S. Fehrenbacher, J.D. Ortiz, A. Tripati and E. Lobaton has been published in the Marine Micropaleontology Journal, 2019.