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Active Robotic Sensing (ARoS) Laboratory

The lab focuses on the development of tools for the fields of pattern recognition, estimation theory, and statistical and topological data analysis in order to solve problems in the areas of wearable health and environmental monitoring, robotics and computer vision.

Please fill out this form if you are a student at NCSU and you are interested in volunteering in the lab.  The deadline for the application for a given semester is before the previous semester ends. The applications for the Fall semester are posted right after 4th of July. The ones for the Spring are posted right before Thanksgiving break, and for summer during Spring break. Entries submitted after the deadline may still be reviewed depending on project availability. If you are able to start before the semester starts you are welcome to indicate that at the end of the form.

Article on Context Awareness for Lower Limb Prostheses Published

The article "Environmental Context Prediction for Lower Limb Prostheses With Uncertainty Quantification" authored by B. Zhong, R. da Silva, H. Huang and E. Lobaton was published in the IEEE Transactions of Automation Science and Engineering, 2020. Some news release on...

Article on ECG Signal Processing Published

The article "A Pipeline for Adaptive Filtering and Transformation of Noisy Left-Arm ECG to Its Surrogate Chest Signal" authored by F. Mohaddes, R. da Silva, F. Akbulut, Y. Zhou, A. Tanneeru, E. Lobaton, B. Lee and V. Misra has been published in the Electronics...

In the News: Leveraging Strengths to Improve Asthma Care

Read more about it at:

Articles on Prediction of Human Physiological Response and on Micro-Fossil Recognition Published

The article "Activity-Aware Wearable System for Power-Efficient Prediction of Physiological Responses," authored by N. Starliper, F. Mohammadzadeh, T. Songkakul, M. Hernandez, A. Bozkurt and E. Lobaton has been published in the Sensors Journal, 2019. The...

In the News: Artificial Intelligence can Identify Microscopic Marine Organisms

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