by Michael McKnight | Jun 1, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
James received the Best Paper Award in IEEE Body Sensors Conference in Cambridge, MA. Hannah, Madison, Naved and Inan joined us for summer research. NCSSM High School students Deanyone Su and Tanya Mittal joins us as summer interns. iBionicS research became the cover...
by Michael McKnight | May 1, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Dr. Bozkurt received the Chancellors Innovation Fund Award second time. Tahmid passed the Prelim exam (Congrats!) Suprio, Rochana and Tristan graduated (Congrats folks!). Suprio headed to Intel and Tristan joined Device Solutions. Rita received the American Academy of...
by Michael McKnight | Apr 1, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Dr. Bozkurt’s article with other NSF ERC for ASSIST authors was published in IEEE Proceedings. Our joint work with Dr. Edgar Lobaton’s group was presented at the IPSN’2015 Conference. iBionicS work on insect biobots became the cover article in Bilim Teknik magazine in...
by Michael McKnight | Mar 1, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Dr. Bozkurt gave a talk at Drexel University. Dr. Bozkurt attended NCCU STEM Professional Development Conference as a panelist. Allie joined MIT Lincoln Labs. iBionicS Lab presented demonstrations during the NCSU Open House. iBionic Lab presented to NCSU visitors...
by Michael McKnight | Feb 1, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Dr. Bozkurt gave a talk during the Global Special Operation Forces Symposium in Tampa, FL as an invited speaker. iBionicS Lab presented at the Marbles Museum “Future Me” Kids Career Fair.
by Michael McKnight | Jan 1, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
Dr. Bozkurt received the NCSU William F. Lane Outstanding Teaching Award. iBionicS Lab was visited by a camera crew from WIRED Magazine for their new documentary series “Cyborg Nation”. Dr. Bozkurt gave an invited talk at the IBM (RTP) University Day. Our work was...