by Michael McKnight | Aug 1, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
Fay received the Department of Education GAANN Nanoscale Electronic and Energy Materials Fellowship. Rita, Tahmid and James D. presented in IEEE EMBC Conference. James won the CIMIT award. Our team received funding from NSF ERC for ASSIST where Dr. Bozkurt assumed a...
by Michael McKnight | Jul 1, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
Ryan and Peter joined us. Our work on Journal of Visualized Experiments was published. Our work was presented for 6 minutes by Morgan Freeman on his Science Channel (part of the Discovery network) show Through the Wormhole (aired on June 25, 2014): link...
by Michael McKnight | Jun 1, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
We attended Smart America Challenge organized by the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows as a part of the Smart Emergency Response (SERS) Team. The other members of the SERS were Boeing, Mathworks, National Instruments, Blue Haptics, MIT Media Lab, University...
by Michael McKnight | May 1, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
Eric received the NCSU BME Senior Award. Brinnae joined us. Our work was covered by IEEE Spectrum: link
by Michael McKnight | Apr 1, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
Dr. Bozkurt presented an invited talk on CINEMa project under SPIE Defense in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Bozkurt presented under NCSU Building Future Faculty Workshop. Our joint work with Dr. Edgar Lobaton’s group was published under ICCPS’2014 Conference in Berlin. Our joint...
by Michael McKnight | Mar 1, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
iBionicS had demonstrations during the NCSU Open House. Eric and Tahmid received The Government Microcircuit Applications & Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech) Best Paper Award: link Tahmid won First Place in the Engineering Division at the 2014 NC State...