July 2013

Eric presented his work in IEEE EMBC 2013 in Osaka, Japan. Dr. Bozkurt organized a special session on “Remote Controlled Insect Biobots” under IEEE EMBC 2013 in Osaka, Japan where researchers from USA, Japan and Singapore presented their latest work on the topic...

June 2013

National Geographic (Top Ten News Headlines): link. IEEE Spectrum: link. Kurzweil Artificial Intelligence: link. Metro New York: link. ABC News: link. USNews: link. Yahoo! News: link. Popular Science: link. Engadget: link. NSF News: link. The New Age (South Africa):...

March 2013

iBionicS had demonstrations during the NCSU Open House. Our work was mentioned in the new book “Frankenstein’s Cat” by Emily Anthes (publisher:Scientific American) link Jorge Cham (PhD Comics) visited our Lab.

February 2013

We became a JEOPARDY! Question. Thanks Leonard for the correct answer… Our work was covered by Entomologische Berichten in Netherlands and US based childen’s magazine ASK. We were visited by a TV crew from Science Channel’s Show “This Changes...

January 2013

A nice article from Walter Magazine: link. Our work was covered by CS Bits and Bytes: an electronic newsletter aimed at high-school students published by NSF. link.