Wenye Wang (王文野)
Professor, IEEE Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering
NC State University

Tips for Ph.D. Study

Who and why pursuit Ph.D. degree?

How to write papers and thesis?

How to give a good research talk?

What to do after a Ph.D. degree?

Tips for Prospective Students

Admission to the Department

Teaching Assistantships

Research Assistantships

We would be glad to provide research assistantship to potential Ph.D. students, and exceptional M.S. students. In the process of selecting research assistants, research interests are the most important factor, which is a mutual match between RA and advisor. You can find useful information on our "Research" section and "Publications". The research on wireless networking in our group draws on computer networks, wireless communications, security issues (cryptography), network topology (graph theory), randomness in networks (stochastic processes), simulations tools (NS2 and OPNET), and drivers (hands-on experience building wireless networks). The more you know about these areas, the easier it will be for you to make progress. If you are seriously considering working with me, you might want to read some of my latest publications, show me how you understand the problem by pointing out their limitations. Regarding whether there are RA positions or not, students are encouraged to contact me. Sometimes, I might not respond to your request immediately; however, I will keep your files on my waiting list (this is not just for courtesy). Once we have positions, you will be contacted.

As of October 2008, we have two opennings for research assistants, preferrably students with either solid theoretical background on networking or system integration of hardware and software for power-system communications. This is part of our efforts on the newly funded NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC) FREEDM at NC State University.

Independent Study

In the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, independent study are open to senior Master students (that is not first-semester or first-year graduate students) and junior Ph.D. students. Independent sstudy projects are one-semester, letter-graded, courses, report-based courses. Students who are interested in research, have a solid background on networking, and know how to work on loosely-defined projects are encouraged to contact faculty members for independent study. The basic requirements of conducting independent study are: 1) your cumulative GPA is above 3.3; 2) you have taken at least 3 networking related courses; 3) you are prepared to dedicate 10 hours per week on the project.

Recent Activities

2020 - Tutorial Co-Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE ICC 2020

2019 - Area Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE INFOCOM

2018 - Area Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE INFOCOM

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August, 2020

Congratulations to our team on receiving an NSF award!

July, 2020

Congratulations on Rui's presentation in IEEE INFOCOM Virtual Meeting!

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