Wenye Wang (王文野)
Professor, IEEE Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering
NC State University

Sensor Networks

A Personal INdoor Sensor (PINS) network is a wireless sensor network deployed in-homes or in-buildings to monitor the indoor conditions and the humadaily behavior. Sensor nodes are usually equipped with passive infrared (PIR), temperature, acoustic sensors that can capture unpredictable conditionand behaviors. Nodes communicate via wireless links in a multi-hop fashion. Placement/orientation of these sensor nodes should be carefully designeto sense entire field of interest.


Indoor environments have several challenges in terms of wireless communication and sensing. In this research, our objective is to investigate thproperties of indoor environments for wireless sensor networks. This would be veruseful since home itself is like a living organism. Furniture might move, peoplmight start to emit noise at certain hours, heat can change etc. Further, transmission and sensing coverage in indoor environments should be studieby an experimental study to capture the irregularity due to many obstaclesWe will further implement and test our algorithms to improve the reliable communication and event detection for several applications.

Potential Applications

PINS network composed of PIR supported motes can be used in variety of office (workplace) and home applications. Similar to the context-aware ho projects, PINS network can easily be deployed for human tracking for health car daily life monitoring, energy management (light, A/C turn on/off) etc. In such applications, benefits of PINS  would be summarized as follows:

  • adaptable to existing building with minor construction and maintenance
  • low-cost
  • ubiquitous
  • customizable based on the life style (workplace, home for elder people, children house, etc.)
  • can be improved to act as an emergency system

An example monitoring application of PINS isexhibition monitoring. Especiallin art exhibitions, it is very helpful to have the statistics of the numbeof visitors per each painting. Using a PINS network, sensor nodes that arplaced to monitor each painting may detect each visitor in front of the paintinand inform the base station in multi-hop fashion. Such information is alsvery critical from the designer point of view working on the visibility of each painting. We placed the sensors to detect the number of visitors for our research posters as shown below.

PINS exhibition monitoring

PINS Network Setup

For our testbed, we have deployed 18 Tmotes to our lab. Some of our Tmotes have PIR sensors visually (or virtually) tracking the people's daily interaction with their habitat and monitoring the indoor conditions. To track the people in an indoor environment, we use PIR sensors.  Detailed explanation on our experiments and findings will be available soon.

Timote Sky Here are the  documents we used to configure Tmote Sky. We have installed Boomerang 2.0.4 software which is fully compatible with existing TinyOS 1.x application. Boomerang is a complete setup that installs the Tnote development tools (TinyOS 1.x, Java 1.5 JDK, nesC, cygwin (for windows), Graphviz, etc.), USB driver to access Tmote as a virtual COM port, and motiv's networking application tools.
1. PIR Sensor

For motion detection, we connect a passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor to Tmote Sky. PIR sensor detects changes in infrared radiation which occur when there is movement by a person (or object) which is different in temperature from the surroundings. As sensor detects temperature differences, it is well suited to detecting the motion of people by their body temperature. We have configured an analog (Parallax #555-28027) and a digital (Panasonic AMN44121) sensorfor our testbed.

Parallax analog sensor
Parallax (#555-28027) (~6m  range)
Panasonic digital sensor
Panasonic AMN44121(~10m range)
sensor coverage
1.1 Connecting Analog
Analog PIR Sensor To connect an external analog sensor to Tmote we use the 10-pin expansion connector on tmote board. We connect our PIR sensor output to expansion pin 3 (ADC0).

TOS_ADC_PIR_PORT = unique("ADCPort"),
configuration AnalogPIRSendC {
implementation {
    components ADCC;

    Main.StdControl -> AnalogPIRSendP;
    Main.StdControl -> ADCC;
    AnalogPIRSendP.CommControl -> Comm;
    AnalogPIRSendP.SendMsg -> Comm.SendMsg[AM_OSCOPEMSG];
    AnalogPIRSendP.ADCControl -> ADCC;



event result_t Timer.fired() {
        return call ADC.getData();
async event result_t ADC.dataReady( uint16_t data ){
    struct OscopeMsg *pack;
        pack = (struct OscopeMsg *)msg[currentMsg].data;
        pack->data[packetReadingNumber++] = data;
        if (packetReadingNumber == BUFFER_SIZE) post dataTask();
    m_int = data;
    return SUCCESS;

1.2 Connecting Digital PIR Sensor to Tmote
Tmote external digital sensor To use the external digital sensor in Tmote we connect our PIR sensor output to  expansion pin 7 (GIO1). Since PIR (AMN44121) is low current consumption (digital output), 10 m detection, 3V DC type, we used one of the exclusive digital I/O port. One important detail, specified in the datasheet is that:

 -- If expansion pin 7 or 10 is used for digital I/O instead of analog inputs, R16/R14 must be populated with a 0 ohm resistor to enable GIO1/GIO0.
Pin Expansion Pin Expansion

After we connected the PIR sensor to the digital I/O pin 1, we use MSP430GeneralIO interface to get the output from sensor. An important detail is that GIO1 is designed to have interrupt capability. Thus, we catch up the motion by the voltage change in the output of PIR sensor triggers an interrupt. Here is some useful information to get output using GIO1.

  • wire ReadPIRP.PIR -> MSP430GeneralIOC.Port21; 
    ReadPIRP.PIRInput -> MSP430InterruptC.Port21;
  • set ADC2 as input by putting the macros TOSH_MAKE_ADC3_INPUT(); (output by default)
components Main;
components ReadPIRP;
components MSP430GeneralIOC;
components MSP430InterruptC;

Main.StdControl -> ReadPIRP;
ReadPIRP.PIR -> MSP430GeneralIOC.Port21;
ReadPIRP.PIRInput -> MSP430InterruptC.Port21

module ReadPIRP {
  provides interface StdControl;
  uses interface Leds;
  uses interface MSP430GeneralIO as PIR;
  uses interface MSP430Interrupt as PIRInput;
command result_t StdControl.init() {
    return SUCCESS;
async event void PIRInput.fired(){
1.3 Digital versus Analog PIR

After configuring analog and the digital sensors, we decide to extend our test-bed using analog PIR sensors. A comparison will be available between analog and digital PIR  in terms of  computability to Telos.

Technical Documents

An Example Application and Initial Results

Application specific configuration and results will be available soon.

1. Health-Care Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
2. In-door, Home Wireless Sensor Networks
3. Other Experimental Studies for Wireless Sensor Networks

If you have any question, please feel free to contact Nurcan Tezcan or Kaseima Frye.

Recent Activities

2020 - Tutorial Co-Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE ICC 2020

2019 - Area Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE INFOCOM

2018 - Area Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE INFOCOM

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August, 2020

Congratulations to our team on receiving an NSF award!

July, 2020

Congratulations on Rui's presentation in IEEE INFOCOM Virtual Meeting!

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