Wenye Wang (王文野)
Professor, IEEE Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering
NC State University

Wenye Wang received her Ph.D. degree from Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, with Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz in Atlanta, Georiga. Her Ph.D. thesis is on location management in heterogeneous wireless networks. In Fall 2002, she joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NC State University, as an assistant professor and has been an associate professor since Fall 2008, and a full professor since Fall 2014. Her current research interests include mobile and secure computing, modeling and performance analysis of single- and multi-hop wireless networks, network topology and architecture design. Dr. Wang received NSF CAREER Award in 2006. She is an ACM member and an IEEE Fellow.


The Networking of Wireless Information Systems, NetWIS, laboratory led by Dr. Wenye Wang, is focused broadly on in-depth understanding, algorithm and protocol design in mobile wireless networks. Our vision is that by developing new models, measuring experimental results, and understanding basic properties of wireless networks in different circumstances, it is possible to design algorithms, protocols, and architectures that enable a wireless network to have robust architecture and topology and high performance for diversified applications and large-scale distributed, intelligent systems.

Our lab members include undergraduate students who gain their experience in research and prepare for their graduate study, and graduate students who aim to make novel contributions to wireless networking area. Currently, we are focused on the issues like mobile clouds, vehicle-to-vehicle communications, wireless in the Smart Grid from the perspective of network resilience and performance in the presence of failures and abnormality.

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Recent Activities

2020 - Tutorial Co-Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE ICC 2020

2019 - Area Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE INFOCOM

2018 - Area Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE INFOCOM

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August, 2020

Congratulations to our team on receiving an NSF award!

July, 2020

Congratulations on Rui's presentation in IEEE INFOCOM Virtual Meeting!

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