Dr. Aydin Aysu

I seek multiple PhD students and post-docs in the field of hardware and embedded security. Here is a description of the positions, interested applicants can email me.
Dr. Aysu is currently an assistant professor and Bennett Faculty Fellow at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of North Carolina State University, where he leads HECTOR: Hardware Cyberthreat Research Lab. He got his M.S from Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey, and his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. Before joining NC State, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Aysu’s interests are broadly in hardware security research and cybersecurity education. His hardware security research has won NSF CAREER, NSF CRII, Google RSP, and Goodnight Innovation Fellow, and University Faculty Scholar awards, six best paper nominations (IACR TCHES, IEEE HOST, DATE, GLS-VLSI), two best paper awards, one hardware security top picks (IEEE CEDA), and one publicity paper award (DAC). He is an IEEE senior member and he is a co-founder of mithrilAI Corp., an early stage start-up building trusted hardware for AI/ML. Here is my CV.
Academic & Industry Positions
Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University, ECE Dept.
Adjunct Professor at CS
Hardware-Based Cybersecurity -
Post-Doctoral Researcher
The University of Texas at Austin, ECE Dept.
Security, Privacy, and Computer Architecture -
Graduate Research Assistant
Virginia Tech, ECE Department
Secure Embedded Systems Lab -
Summer Research Intern
Qualcomm Inc.
Product Security Initiative -
Digital Design Engineer
Vestek R&D Corp.
Pixellence Design Group -
Research Assistant
Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering
System-on-Chip Design & Test Lab
Ph.D. 2016
PhD in Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech
M.S. 2010
MS in Electronics Engineering
Sabanci University
B.S. 2008
BS in Microelectronics
Mathematics MinorSabanci University