Multi-phase Nanocrystalline Thermoelectric Materials

In a multi component nanocrystalline material, crystallites and interfacial nanostructures form a disordered morphology. In such a disordered nanostructured material, the energy disruption for both electrons and phonons can happen in a time scale that is smaller or...

Theory of nanoscale charge and energy transport

Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) There is currently no quantum mechanical transport model for charge (or phonon) transport in multiphase nanocrystalline structures. Due to absence of periodicity, one cannot apply any of the elegant theorems, such as...

Solar hydrogen fuel

The market for hydrogen is vast consisting of recent demand for renewable energies and industrial and chemical processes needs such as methanol production, ammonia (NH3), removing sulfur from gasoline, float glass production, edible fat hydrogenation, weather...